A Party Fit for a King

Our care home in Heswall celebrated the King's Coronation last weekend, like many others across the nation. We were delighted to welcome over 100 people to join us for the momentous occasion, including residents, families, friends, staff, and members of the local community.
It was an intergenerational event for us, with our youngest attendee aged 3, and ranging up to our eldest resident, Bill, who is 101 years of age. It was fantastic to see so many faces at our care home and a great opportunity to meet new people and foster new relationships.

Following the screening of the ceremony, we hosted a party fit for a King in our beautiful gardens. We all came together outside and we were very fortunate to have such wonderful weather. The party was a great opportunity to share music, laughter, and memories together - as well as make some new ones as well.
Two of our residents at our care home, a married couple, even brought their Union flag to the party that has now seen the coronation of three British monarchs and was first hung out of a window on a clothes drier all those years ago to show their support for a new monarch.

Our activities team at The Hazelwell are always working hard to bring people together in ways that are accessible to everyone and our care home setting makes that possible by giving all of our residents access to outside space in our garden or on one of our terrace spaces.
With the warmer months approaching, we look forward to getting out in our gardens more, taking trips into the local community, and hosting further celebrations for our residents, relatives, and staff.