HazelFest 2023

On Sunday 20th August, our care home on the Wirral held its own 'HazelFest' for residents, loved ones, staff and members of the local community in the home's gardens.
The event was inspired by the early days of Woodstock and Glastonbury, the latter of which first happened over 50 years ago when many care home residents were in their 20s or 30s. There is a good chance that many care home residents would have been at the early festivals, so we thought why not recreate the experience for them again?
We hosted three wonderful musical acts; Tin Pan Alley, Sandra Currie, and Joseph Ashton who wowed a bumper crowd that saw The Hazelwell Care Home once again break records. At our peak, we had 135 people including residents, relatives and, neighbours in our home, 5 performers, 3 dogs, 2 alpacas, 2 chickens, 1 bunny rabbit, 1 tortoise, a magician and a giant teddy bear!

As well as excellent musical entertainment, our guests were treated to some typical festival food and drink, with some added luxuries to give it The Hazelwell touch. We also had a petting zoo and lots of animal visits which formed a large part of our day.
We had two visiting Alpacas meet their first bear - luckily it was the 'Kare Bear' from our agency colleagues KarePlus, and they didn't meet with a grizzly end. The alpacas even made it into our resident's rooms who wanted a one-to-one experience.

A visiting tortoise was also tempted by our freshly cut lawns but was more taken with our residents petting him - he's a few years off needing a bed yet though, as he is only 11, but will live until he is 100!
The weather was on our side, making the day extra special and our residents had a wonderful time. Music and socialising help support our resident's overall wellbeing, improving their mood and giving them the chance to continue feeling part of the community and make special memories with their loved ones, new friends, and neighbours.

It is so very important to us that we not only provide our residents with exceptional levels of care but also a lifestyle that is varied and stimulating. Our resident's health and happiness are at the very core of everything we do here at The Hazelwell Care Home and the feedback we have had from this event has been so overwhelmingly positive with one Facebook comment stating that The Hazelwell is "the best care home ever!".
We look forward to welcoming loved ones, neighbours and members of the community to join our residents in life at our home again soon.