Our Monthly Visit from Ernie the PAT Dog

On Friday 13th May, our residents were once again delighted to receive a visit from Ernie the PAT dog. PAT or otherwise known as Pets As Therapy is a national charity and a popular initiative that uses pets such as cats and dogs to enhance the health and wellbeing of people.
People with pets that have a great temperament volunteer to take their furry friends into establishments such as care homes, hospitals, and schools, and it's been a much-loved activity here at The Hazelwell for quite a while.
Ernie, who is of the Dachshund breed, has been a regular visitor to our home and residents adore his visits. When Ernie is here he gets absolutely spoilt rotten and showered with love and cuddles. Pets As Therapy have a variety of benefits for residents in care homes, as they can sometimes struggle with loneliness, depression, anxiety, and ill-health.
Spending some time with a pet like Ernie can offer a sense of purpose and responsibility, as well as the opportunity to chat with volunteers and reminisce on previous experiences with pets and animals. Sessions like these also have a particular benefit for those living with dementia as it helps with sensory stimulation. Residents at Hazelwell are very much looking forward to welcoming Ernie back next month.
If you would like to find out more about our home or the activities that we put on for our residents then please get in touch.