Hazelwell Says a Huge Thanks by Hosting a Celebration Lunch!

We hosted a special celebration lunch to give thanks to our veterans this festive season.
We organised this early Christmas lunch to bring together visiting support staff, volunteers and outside care professionals to let them know how much we appreciate the help they provide.
Our care home manager Sue Ball said the event gave them all the chance to say a big ‘thank you’ to the regular helpers who do so much for the home.
We also invited volunteers from the YMCA Wirral in Birkenhead to attend the lunch, The Wirral branch of the YMCA, which is the oldest and largest youth charity in the world, runs a night shelter in Birkenhead, and has a mission to help young people overcome homelessness and ensure they feel they belong and thrive in their local communities. We continue to support the night shelter in Birkenhead charity with year-round fundraising and donations.
Our relationship with YMCA Wirral goes back a few years, and in January this year we were awarded the rare ‘Golden Hearts in the Community’ award for the money we had raised for the youth charity.
Sue Ball said: “Here at The Hazelwell, we like to use Christmas as an opportunity to thank all the people who have been so supportive to us all year and help to make us the care home we are. We also wanted to extend our thanks to the volunteers of the YMCA for all the valuable work they do for the young people of the area. We are really proud of our relationship with the YMCA Wirral in Birkenhead and we know how very important their work is, especially at this time of year.”
We hope our visitors enjoyed the day as much as we did here at The Hazelwell.