Hazewell Care Home’s Adventure Initiative

The Hazelwell Care Home in Heswall, Wirral, has recently introduced a new initiative to the home as suggested by one of its residents.
As recommended by one of our residents who wanted to have a forum in the home, Hazelwell Care Home has implemented a new 'Hazelwell Adventure Initiative' which sees staff, residents, and their relatives host talks every fortnight about interesting tales of adventure that they have lived.
These talks are about interesting experiences that those who live and work at Hazelwell or their loved ones have had and can be anything from holidays and trips to work or events they've attended.
Developed in co-operation with a number of residents and our activities co-ordinator, Kath Hockinson, there is already a full programme of volunteers ready to share interesting stories about their lives.

We have had some wonderful stories shared recently such as Meg, a care assistant, who spoke of discovering a French connection in her family and exploring France with them.
Derek, who had the initial idea, shared stories of his time lecturing at Cambridge University and the interesting people who he encountered there.
We even have planned talks about trips into Gold mines and beyond!
The initiative has really taken off and it has been really impactful for our residents to learn so much about each other and the staff, bringing us much closer together as a community.
We will be continuing these talks into the new year and very much look forward to hearing more from members of the Hazelwell Care Home family.